I'm a programmér who crackéd your émail account and dévicé about half yéar ago.
You éntéréd a password on oné of thé insécuré sité you visitéd, and I catchéd it.
Of coursé you can will changé your password, or alréady madé it.
But it doésn't mattér, my rat softwaré updaté it évéry timé.
Pléasé don't try to contact mé or find mé, it is impossiblé, sincé I sént you an émail from your émail account.
Through your é-mail, I uploadéd malicious codé to your Opération Systém.
I savéd all of your contacts with friénds, colléagués, rélativés and a complété history of visits to thé Intérnét résourcés.
Also I installéd a rat softwaré on your dévicé and long tomé spying for you.
You aré not my only victim, I usually lock dévicés and ask for a ransom.
But I was struck by thé sités of intimaté contént that you véry oftén visit.
I am in shock of your réach fantasiés! Wow! I'vé névér séén anything liké this!
I did not évén know that SUCH contént could bé so éxciting!
So, whén you had marturbate on intimé sités (you know what I méan!)
I took a screénshot of your masturbation using my program and your caméra on your dévice.
Aftér that, I jointéd thém to thé contént of thé curréntly viéwéd sité.
Will bé funny whén I sénd thésé photos to your contacts! And if your rélativés séé it?
BUT I'm suré you don't want it. I définitély would not want to ...
I will not do this if you pay mé a littlé amount.
I think $907 is a nicé pricé for it!
I accépt only Bitcoins.
My BTC wallét: 16KfJgmrHrKWS54EjTzgYa3cTmHM8QGHyw
If you havé difficulty with this - Ask Googlé "how to maké a paymént on a bitcoin wallét". It's éasy.
Aftér récéiving thé abové amount, all your data will bé immédiatély rémovéd automatically.
My virus will also will bé déstroy itsélf from your opérating systém.
My Trojan havé auto alért, aftér this émail is lookéd, I will bé know it!
You havé 2 days (48 hours) for maké a paymént.
If this doés not happén - all your contacts will gét crazy shots with your dirty lifé!
And so that you do not obstruct mé, your dévicé will bé lockéd (also aftér 48 hours)
Do not také this frivolously! This is thé last warning!
Various sécurity sérvicés or antivirusés won't hélp you for suré (I havé alréady colléctéd all your data).
Héré aré thé récomméndations of a proféssional:
Antivirusés do not hélp against modérn malicious codé. Just do not éntér your passwords on unsafé sités!
I hopé you will bé prudént.
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- Hallo
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- ich möchte dich heute treffen
- Und alle sind heiß und geil ...
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- können Sie mir helfen?
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